Friday, 13 January 2017

Essential Concepts - Network Protocols (IP)

Before reading this article, I suggest you to read the Previous article in order to maintain the sequence of the chapter.

A network protocol (or just referred to as protocol) is a set of rules and conventions that are necessary for the communication between two network devices. For example, two computers on a network can communicate only if they agree to follow the protocols.
The following are some of the most widely reffered protocols :IP, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Telnet, SSH.

Internet Protocols (IP Address) :An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a unique number assigned to each computer or device (such as printer) so that each of them can be uniquely identified on the network.
  • Types of IP Address :
    • Private IP address : A private IP address is the one that is assigned to a computer on the Local Area Network (LAN). A typical example of private IP address would be something like:
    • Public IP address : A public IP address is the one that is assigned to a computer connected to the Internet. An example public IP address would be something like:
  • In most cases a computer gets connected to the ISP network using a private IP. Once a computer is on the ISP network it will be assigned a public IP address using which the communication with the Internet is made possible.
    • ISP - Internet Service Provider : You all know the full-form but do you know the meaning?!!.....The server which provides the internet service is called ISP. In case, suppose you are using JIO Sim on your mobile for internet connection, JIO becomes your ISP as it provides you Internet Service (now-a-days FREE).
How to Find the IP Address of a Computer?
Finding your public IP is extremely simple. Just type “what is my IP” on Google to see your public IP address displayed in search results.
 Above image shows public IPv6 address of my laptop
In order to find your private IP, just open the command prompt window (type cmd in the “Search” box) and enter the following command:
 IPv4 Address & IPv6 Address in the above image shows private addresses
If you are connected to internet, then Temporary IPv6 address will also be listed which will be your Public IPv6 address. 

NOTE : A computer always has a private IP address. But when it gets connected to internet, the ISP provides it with a public IP address.
This is because, there are many ISPs (JIO, BSNL, Airtel, etc.. in India)across the world. Each ISP is given a range of IPs which they are allowed to use. And when we get connected to internet via ISP, it allocates us an IP which is not in use, from the range of IPs allocated to them.

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  1. Here, we learnt What are Network Protocols , types of IPs, and how to find the private and public IPs of a computer.

    But still you would be in confusion between IPv4 and IPv6. Taking in concern the length of this article, I will explain those terms in my next article.

    So stay tunned...

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